Children on board Private Jets

How to make a remarkable flight?
When you see the passenger’s list and you notice you have children on board, it’s good to take some extra considerations for the young customers, in order to make for them a remarkable flight.
First of all, think about your catering: get informations about allergies or intolerances and get simple food for them, like plain sandwiches without sauces or heavy condiments, pasta with tomato sauce or breaded cutlet with vegetables and a range of children-loved desserts like donuts or brownies.
If their age permits,
If their age permits, it’s a nice touch to organise trough catering a sort of “on-air-cooking-class” for them to experience on board! I tried it and it worked out absolutely amazingly!
Basically, their food arrives “disassembled” and they had fun in preparing it themselves (with instructions given by me).
Chocolate-dipped strawberries skewers, for example. You have the skewers, the chocolate, the strawberries and the topping all separated and they have to dip it themselves for them and the rest of the family. They have fun and learn something at the same time.
When plating their food, make sure they have all the nutrients that they need but that is also fast to eat: they probably won’t seat for long.
Before serving anything, double check with parents and ask for permission, especially about sugary beverages or sweets. If particularly young children (3 or 4 years old), be mindful of chocking-hazard food.
Children should be served first and quickly (on ground preparation is essential!) so parents can enjoy some free time and quietness. While you are serving the children, drop some canapés and a drinks on parent’s table so they won’t starve while you are busy with their kids.
Although they will come with their own iPads, prepare your flight having in mind any possible way to keep them entertained. According to their profile and age, buy children magazines, games, playing cards or the latest dvds. Take into consideration they might go straight to the area of the cabin where the divan is located, so prepare that space in advance for them (remove dangerous items, put interesting material or toys to keep them there). If you decide to buy colouring books, make sure you buy washable crayons, non-wax based! You will save time, after, when you need to clean the aircraft.
Some parents, if they know you and they trust you, they can also ask you to help their kids with the homework (if the nanny is not present), or to read them the good night story.
On a Private Jet, children are allow to go everywhere, open everything, take everything they want. They can visit the cockpit anytime and they will battle to help you serving dinner. Let them do it (consciously): is a nice experience for them and will make them happy.
Children’s satisfaction during a flight can be a vital point for the success or failure of the mission: parents take into big considerations how happy the children were on board, if they ate well, slept well, were busy playing and if the general atmosphere was of happiness and comfort.
Contact Private Jet Coach for some further ideas!