Sweet dreams

Sleeping on a Private Jet
Although long flights are less usual since Covid appeared, sometimes we still fly for hours in the blue sky.
When your rotation includes a long haul flight, most probably this will be in the night.
Customers love to sleep after dinner and wake up well rested just before landing, ready for the new day.
In this case, you need to prepare beds on board. In most heavy jets the cabin can host up to five beds: two of them are double and three are single.
Some other aircrafts are equipped with a proper bedroom (Global 7500, Lineage 1000, ACJ and BBJ) which is the master bedroom.
On some other, like on board Bombardier Global XRS, the aft cabin is designed with two divans facing each other.
That area becomes a huge bed when you join the two divans together.
The Etiquette
Beds on a Private Jet are really comfortable, and there’s a precise etiquette to follow when it comes to the preparation of this cozy cocoon.
The assembly of the bed can take quite some time (around 30 mins per bed). Therefore, if there’s any chance to do them some time before take off, this is highly recommended.
First of all, bed sheets and bed linen must be impeccable clean, perfectly ironed and they must adhere to the mattress without a single wrinkle.
On top of the bed, you should provide all the amenities that they might need as well as an appropriated amount of water next to each bed.
When customers fly long haul, usually they have dinner on board and immediately after they go to sleep until one hour before landing when they take their breakfast.
There’s also an etiquette to follow for communications and cabin presence while customers are sleeping.
When the guests are resting, any entrance in the cabin is forbidden unless they call you.
Before they disappear inside the bedroom, ask them about timing and brief them on how you suggest the communication from the bedroom should look like.
In this way you will avoid any inconvenience!
How do you manage your sleeping cabin? Are you familiar with the bed assembly?