The convenience of a one-to-one training.

If you are thinking about the possibility to have a trainer all for you, let Private Jet Coach help you highlight the advantages!
These arguments are based on my experience of the one-to-one courses that I gave.
Full dedication
When I run a Private Jet Coach one-to-one training, means that I am fully dedicated to you and to you only. We go at your speed, soothly and nicely. We revise what you need to hear again and we go deeper in those aspects that you find more interesting or more complex.
Me and you
To be only two in the class, the good advantage is that the relationship that we can establish together is deeper.
More relaxed, I’d say.
You get to know your trainer better, and your trainer get to know you deeper.
In a training one-to-one is easy and comes natural to be friendly and show your personality. This is so much of a help, when your trainer helps you in re-setting your CV.
When I help my students with their CV, I like to highlight them the part of their personality that I noticed during our conversation. This way, the CV is also more effective.
Time management
Easier to manage our timing if there’s only the two of us! To push one topic a bit longer or to take a brake before beginning…. It’s only up to us.
Because of the reduced number of participants, I notice that people are keen to ask me more questions about my job. Those inquiry that they probably wouldn’t have asked in a more numerous class. I am always happy to satisfy the curiosity about this metier!
Well, no need to tell you that we can decide together when our course will take place! We schedule together, because only a relaxed and event-free environment can help you absorb this new know-how.
Good connection
Last but not least, if it’s a webinar, a good internet connection is a clear advantage. Less people connected means good video and good audio.
In conclusion, if you feel insecure about a one-to-one training, contact Private Jet Coach and we can discuss it together.