Why is my CV rejected….
…..Without even the chance of an interview?

It’s frustrating, I know. You spent time and probably money in building the masterpiece of your CVs.
Afterwards, you set in front of a computer 24/7 for weeks, applying for each and every position in Business Aviation.
The only result you managed to have is an email with the standard phrasing “we regret to inform you that your profile has not been selected at this time”. Or an even more frustrating silence.
So the following question might be: why is that so? What am I doing wrong? Is my CV wrong, horrible, incomplete?
Here below I would like to give you an insight of how the recruitment in Private Aviation works like, and, hopefully, answer some of your questions.
The recruitment machine is not always on.
The Business Aviation is a small segment of the aviation itself.
Like a small piece of the cake.
Because it’s so small, the numbers of crew members or employees that makes the work force of each organisation is smaller, much smaller than commercial aviation.
Therefore, they turn on the recruitment machine when they need it, and turn it off afterwards.
The number of vacancies is very limited.
This is the main reason why Business Aviation is not for everyone. Because there aren’t jobs for every person out there!
When they open the recruitment for a pilot or flight attendant position, they are searching for two, maybe four profiles.
Ok, I’ll talk on average. Let’s say less than ten.
Only if it’s the case of a new project, a startup, they might look for a hundred people.
But still, not a huge amount, right?
Looking at the situation today, with all the people who have experience in aviation and are available on the market, how long do you think it would take to find 10 people for 10 vacancies?
I’d say one week, maybe even less.
That’s why the concept works on “first come-first served” basis.
That also means that your profile might have been rejected not because of who you are or your CV, but simply because they have already covered the vacancies.
The holding pools
Some organisation might decide to work with holding pools.
This is a list of suitable candidates to contact when and if there will be a new opening.
Very common in the pilots recruitment, not so useful for the flight attendants.
Not so useful because they don’t know for sure when they will need more candidates (might be in one year time), and second because it’s easier to consult fresh profiles every time you need to reduce the workload.
Also, they can decide to consult their freelancers first, and ask them if they are available for a contract.
They know each other already and probably is a consolidated relationship.
Learn how to spot opportunity
This is one of the big aims of the training we do in Private Jet Coach.
Become independent, learn how it works and what do you need to do in order to spot opportunities as soon as they arise.
You need this, to be the first one or between the first profiles who apply.
Keep in mind that opportunities are not always visible.
What I am trying to say is that not all vacancies are advertised.
Often happen that they search for just one candidate, either a pilot or a flight attendant.
To pay the advertising fee for a job post and get the inbox fed up with emails is an unnecessary workload.
Not everybody likes your CV but this doesn’t mean it’s wrong.
This is how it is.
It doesn’t exist a totally good CV which is considered well done by everybody.
It depends on the personal taste and the needs of each recruiter.
If you worked on the descriptions, if you chose the keywords thoughtfully, if you spent time in doing great professional pictures and in general you build your résumé FOR business aviation, well I am happy to say that there’s nothing wrong with your document.
Remember that attitude is also very important.